I have 3 servers, they draw around 300W each, I need PSu that can support 2 cpus. Servers is Chenbro.
board image > http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/5XIAAOSwImRYJ2a0/s-l1600.jpg
Can any1 recommend PSU for it? I think 500W should do just fine. Just need the 2xcpu cables +24board one I think
I have 3 servers, they draw around 300W each, I need PSu that can support 2 cpus. Servers is Chenbro.
board image > http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/5XIAAOSwImRYJ2a0/s-l1600.jpg
Can any1 recommend PSU for it? I think 500W should do just fine. Just need the 2xcpu cables +24board one I think