PSU stopped giving power?!

11 May 2006
I installed an new motheboard, graphics card and PSU (Hiper HPU-4M580 Type R 580W ATX2.2 non-modular version). I set it all up and it was working, I installed windows, but due to some incorrect installation of drivers I decided to reformat and reinstall windows again, everything was going fine.

Once I got to the part where you choose which partition to install winXP on, the computer suddenly shutdown! I tried starting it up again but nothing would happen. The funny thing is that the PSU fan is still running and the green light on the motherboard is switched on, but nothing else. I also notice everytime I try to turn the computer on, all the other fans just turn for like a milisecond and then stop. I tried resetting the CMOS but I get the same thing. I have no other compatible PSUs at hand to test the computer. :(

At the moment I'm thinking its the PSU at fault, but I'm worried the rest of my system damaged. Any ideas on how I should procede?
Oh man, this is just so damn annoying, it actually worked for a while and then bam! Its all dead. Hopefully its the PSU; at least I can return that.

If its found faulty by OCUK, do you think its possible to change the hiper for something else, rather than a replacement?
I just spent almost 12hours, dismantling my original comp, building the new one, dismantling the new one and rebuilding the old; all because of some p.o.s. PSU!!!

This is last time I'm going to try and be a cheapskate with PSUs. :rolleyes:
Things have seemed to take a wrong turn again. I built my old AGP system again (which works fine) and tried out the Hiper PSU to see how it responds and it seems to be able to boot up the system fine! Now I'm considering its the motherboard though it could still be the PSU since the AGP motherboard has a 20-pin power mother board connector whilst the PCI-E has 24-pins.

Any ideas what I should do next?
I tried booting up the computer again and now all the fans spin up, seems to be booting, but theres no monitor signal from the radeon x1900xt. There are 2 red LED lights on the x1900 that light up, one called "T_FAULT" and the other "EXT_PWR". The "EXT_PWR" lights up very briefly but then turns off, whilst the the "T_FAULT" stays lit continously.

Any ideas what this means?
Thanks for all the replies; but I would be glad if someone could help with a RMA dillemma I now have!

I've already been issued an RMA number for the PSU (haven't sent it yet) but since then I've done further testing and now I'm not sure if its only the PSU at fault or if its the motherboard or graphics card.

Is it possible to send back all three parts so that the faulty component can be replaced? Or do I have to deal with one component at a time?
Well the motherboard is an ASUS A8N-E and the graphics card, a Sapphire X1900 XT.

The thing is it was working perfectly when I first put everything it together and booted it up. I managed to install windows and stuff but then it just suddenly powered off and ever since then I've been having all these problems.

Preferably I want send all three components back (motherboard, psu, graphics card) so the faulty components can be replaced because in all honesty I have no idea which is causing the problem. My gut feeling is that its the PSU, but I'm not sure.
My gut feeling is that its the PSU, but its also likely that the motherboard is faulty, or that they both are! At the moment I'm waiting till tommorow to phone them up and see if they can take back all three items I bought so the faulty components can be replaced. It would have been easier to diagnose the problem if the Hiper died completely but as of now it still seems to power up and run certain parts of the computer. :( I'm still trying to figure out what the two red LEDs are on the graphics card, there seems to be no documentation on this.

Luckily the rest of my hardware isn't damaged as i've put it back in my old system and its working fine. I really wanted to try out f.e.a.r. and GRAW this weekend, but instead I've been having to deal with all this nonsense. :mad:
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I doubt it, mine gave in while idle! I actually wished the damn thing died completely then I'd be sure whats the problem.

I'm probably going to just get 20pin-24pin converter and use my old PSU; its not a well known brand but at least its been working for the last year or so!
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