PSU's and how much power they use...

8 Feb 2004
Dartford, Kent
Hi all,

ive got a few questions about PSU's and computer power in general...

my housemates sometimes bitch about me leaving my computer turned on "idling" - well downloading, with all things plugged into it (monitor, soundcard, stereo etc. etc.) turned OFF when i go into uni because it wastes power.

now i'm not denying the fact that it does waste power, but how much power?

i have a tagan 480W PSU, and i think it takes just over 500W as its 80% efficient (no idea on the specifics, i read that in a Custom PC a while back).

when its idling doing nothing is it still drawing that full amount of power from the socket into the PSU and then wasting the rest away?
or does it take what it needs?

if it takes what it needs is there any way of knowing rougly how much its taking?

if there is an article or something explaining all of this a link would be great, and if unlinkable, email in trust :)

cheers guys

nup, got a belinea 20.1"WS TFT

so around 2pph at most when idle. thats not too bad then.


just done the PSU test jobby, 256W is what it came out at. only have 1 92mm fan and 1 HDD in my system...
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