PSUs - single 12v rail or split rails

Multiple 12v rails are better imho for highish end sytems like yours. TBH you will probably be hard pushed to find a single rail psu capable of powering the system reliably anyway, ie 400ish watts+ minimum again imho, as i like to err on the side of caution.
Both of these singles would easily power that and a lot more.

OCZ Powerstream 520w, single rail.
PCP&C 510, single rail (and that's as good as they come).

Most dual rails with 30A@12v will run that rig. Quad rails are better for more demanding rigs. Dual rails top out at 20A/240VA per rail.
fornowagain said:
Both of these singles would easily power that and a lot more.

OCZ Powerstream 520w, single rail.
PCP&C 510, single rail (and that's as good as they come).

Most dual rails with 30A@12v will run that rig. Quad rails are better for more demanding rigs. Dual rails top out at 20A/240VA per rail.

Very true though im not a major fan of ocz psu's after having one DOA on me, though i guess thats a rare occurance and the other one, well never heard of them tbh but if they are top top end then that maybe why. I'm sure there are big amp single rail psus out there but they are few and far between.
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