
23 Oct 2002
Ok i've always been a fan of regular trance but i've started to listen to a little bit of psy-trance lately. It sounds awesome played nice and loud and i'm pretty sure i'll have been to my first psytrance party within a few weeks.

Anyway since i'm a complete n00b when it comes to this genre can you recommend me any artists* or preferably any mix compilations that would help me explore this genre further...



* first person to say infected mushroom gets a slap :p
What's wrong with infected mushroom dude? Anyway :p Have a look at tantrance, there are a dozen or so volumes, they have some pretty good stuff, also, what about goa?

edit: Forgot to mention digiatlly imported!

edit2: Also, do you like Avi Nissim/Astral projection? I guess they are more clasic than psy, but they still make some psy mixes :D
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I've not really heard much infected mushroom stuff (will check them out) but with most people you mention psy-trance and infected mushroom is always the first reply. I didn't really mean it in bad way :)

I've got a bit of astral projection stuff which i got recently, thats pretty good. I've also got a few mixes by John '00' Fleming, he often drifts across into the realms of psy.

I will check out your other recommendations. Also i didn't know there was any/much difference between psy and goa? Care to enlighten me? :)
Well yeah you are right most of the time you will see psy/goa as being reffered to as the same thing, it's just from what I'v listened to, that goa has more of a beat than psy. Then again it might be just me. Oh just to clear it out, digitally imported is not a group, it's an online radio, at
pyro said:
Well yeah you are right most of the time you will see psy/goa as being reffered to as the same thing, it's just from what I'v listened to, that goa has more of a beat than psy. Then again it might be just me. Oh just to clear it out, digitally imported is not a group, it's an online radio, at

Ah good plan, i didn't think of digitally imported. It's just a shame they only 'broadcast' in 96k
Grrrrr said:
Ah good plan, i didn't think of digitally imported. It's just a shame they only 'broadcast' in 96k

I used to subscribe, I don't remember how much it was but it wasn't that expensive.
Hm loads...Hallucinogen for certain, could also try Yahel/Eat Static/S.U.N Project...

Enjoy your first psy party mate, they're pretty much my favourite events to be at, always a good, friendly crowd- but that's the hippie in me talking :p

(Plenty on in the vague cambridge area when you're home :))
How could I forget hallucinogen and sun :( Seriously my memory is just, bah! Oh yeah what about goa Gil? Sure the guy is older than my grandpa but he still has some good beats going.
pyro said:
I used to subscribe, I don't remember how much it was but it wasn't that expensive.

I've certainly been tempted, but found that I really only listen to their trance and euro trance channels; nothing else. I wish they did broadcast higher quality sounds like e.g.
Well it works around £8 a month, which isn't that bad considering you can't get this type of radio in the UK 24/7.
cheers krooton, i've got some astrix tracks from j'00'f compilations and livesets, good stuff. Will check out eskimo and your dowwnload
psy-trance is class.....

i see ** in sheffield.... there used to be some wicked nights on at the arches - psy-trance and acid techno for the win
ALLI said:
psy-trance is class.....

i see ** in sheffield.... there used to be some wicked nights on at the arches - psy-trance and acid techno for the win

There is a night called planet zogg that looks awesome with great reviews LINK (even the camera lens looks like it's on LSD :D)

And there is another illegal psy party i might be going to sometime soon ;)

EDIT\\ just to clarify planet zogg isnt illegal, the un-named one is (i dont to be getting in any trouble! :p)
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oh yeah - probs best not to talk about illegal events on an open forum. we've had nights shut down because the OB got wind and sent their troops down.

if your ever in the midlands look out for a night called e:volve ;)
Hahaha but they are best! I remember a party right in the woods somewhere around Leeds, it was awsome, it was May time so the night doesn't get completely dark, you could look up in the sky and look the dar red sky, amasing.
krooton said:
Hey Grrrrr

I jsut finished my first psy-trance mix if you want to have a listen :)

Funny that, i was just thinking earlier today i wonder if krooton will put up a psy mix after you mentioned you were listening to a fair bit lately. I'll check it out tomorrow, thanks for letting me know! :)

Also while i'm here, have you seen the lineup for gurnmills on May 12th? Wow! I'm desperate to go to that, not sure if i can justify the effect on my bank balance of 3 weekends on the trot though
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