Pu or Fabric ?

14 Nov 2002
Hi guys, looking to get a comfortable and supportive chair for gaming and general pc use.
I am a larger guy, at 1.88m and 141kg with a 112cm waist and when gaming in warm weather I do get sweaty.
I thought fabric might be better, but as many are manmade, maybe its no different to PU ?
I have my eye on a chair I won't mention as OC don't sell them unfortunately, but any recommendations for a budget of £300 ?
23 Dec 2018
I use real leather which breathes well, but if not using that, in terms of heat, I might lean more towards a fabric chair than PU. Even man-made weave type fabric will be somewhat absorbent and dry out again, whereas PU likely won't absorb at all.

They don't do fabric ones and they start at slightly higher than your budget, but Noblechairs Hero with the wide base and tall back would be a good option as you'll likely need all the extra space you can get. I at just 6ft (183cm), 14 stone (88kg) use a Hero but I had a to return a prior chair that had a curved racing seat that squished my legs in place uncomfortably, so worth bearing in mind for the other chair you're looking at.

There's a fairly new released special PU Black Edition Hero for approx £400, supposed to be breathable and much closer to real leather than other PU material.

14 Nov 2002
The only downside with fabric is absortion and cleaning, I don't know if either will benefit "operator temperature", but at least the pu is easy clean :o
I asked the supplier about the fabric material, but the answer doesnt help much, "cotton based fabric" could mean anything !
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