Pulling physical files based on git commits

8 Nov 2006
Ok, so my new job has me moved completely away from Windows/MS/.Net, and working on Mac/PHP, etc.

So I got a lot to pick up on, but my most frustrating thing right now is the main site I am working on. The deployment process is a horrible manual process of looking up commits, finding required files, and uploading via ftp after backing up all the remote files.

It's truly awful after years of automated builds and deployments. It's fine for small single page changes, but once the files start mounting up, it can get quite laborious and has high possibility of missing something.

So, currently looking at a way to automate some of this.

My thinking is, write some kind of script that I can point at either a git branch, and find the files from commits, and generate a deployment by creating a folder with all required files, in the correct folder structure.

2nd step would be based on feeding in specific commit id's.

Now, I know the best solution would be handling all of this properly using git and only git, but that is not an option right now.

Currently I have no idea where to start on this, so any pointers would be handy.
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