Purchased a GTX 1070, installation isn’t going well

2 Aug 2011
Ive Just purchased a GTX 1070 from someone, barely used and I’ve seen it working! I’m trying to upgrade from my GTX 660 but all’s I’m getting when I’ve put it in is a black screen like it’s picking it up but I’m just getting no image. (I’ve uninstalled old drivers). Only thing I can think is it might not be compatible with my motherboard (asus p8z77-v lx) I’ve tried a different power supply so it’s definitely not that. I’ve tried booting using the on board graphics to see if I can install the drivers for the 1070 but as soon as that cards in it’s just the same black screen but it is picking up a signal.

Any help would be brilliant, cheers
Is your PSU modular? Would be worth checking that the power cables are correctly connected to both the PSU and the GPU. Also try a different PCIE slot

I tried mine that’s a none modular then I tried with a friends Modular one! Same issue with both, I tried the different slot too!
I’ve tried all that, it’s as if it’s just not kicking in properly! Been racking my head for 2 days now, even taken it to a friends for him to have a look! There’s so many posts on google with people having similar problems but couldn’t find any fixes!
you said you've tried a friends PSU, try the graphics card in the friends machine, make sure something hasn't happened between removing it and installing it in your machine, I googled your board and loads of people are running 1070's fine with your board, I saw one other issue, but he got it working at x8 in the 2nd slot.

My cousin has a 1070 in his so I’ll see if I can put it in his machine, he’ll already have the drivers installed so in theory it should work straight away
Definitely the next step I’d take then you might be able to rule things out from there. The 1070 could have been damaged in transit, hopefully not

May have picked up a ESD shock, although not sure how much it effects cards

It can’t have been damaged in transit as I picked it up myself from someone who had it running in a gaming box. Hopefully it coming out of that box and going into my pc didn’t do anything but it still powers up it still sends a signal it’s just the image is blank.
Is the computer getting into windows?
How are you connecting the monitor?
Could be a dead display out on the card, so try using another port, or connection type.
How many monitors do you have on the card?

I’ve tried 3 monitors, I’ve tried both DVI ports & the HDMI port. The monitor comes on with all 3 ports but just a blank screen, doesn’t say windows or anything!
That's where I was going next. Legacy boot ROM on these asus boards with 10 series cards, UEFI setting can cause black screen / no boot, resetting to default should set it to legacy.

Just tried it, it took about a minute for the monitor to get signal (no image still) then about 3 minutes my keyboard and mouse came on then about 5 minutes my headset turned on! Left it running to see if it’s installing drivers in the background but still nothing
Ok so I managed to change everything to legacy and boot from the built in graphics, installed the drivers but there’s a yellow ! On the driver and it’s still coming up with the blank screen when I try with the 1070
You should be seeing POST. Go into your bios and go to the advanced tab / system agent configuration - and change the primary display to PCIE (if it isn't already). You should then see the POST screen from your monitor connected to the 1070. If so the good news is the card is not dead. The bad news is you'll have to format your drive to get into windows with the new card, and Legacy ROM setting.

My drivers are installed for it currently looking at it while using PCIE it says (Code 43) on the driver but I’m not sure if that’s just because I’m using PCIE only! I don’t see the POST screen when connected to the 1070
Did you use Lucid Virtue / Quicksync / multiple monitors (iGPU and 660) before? If you have defaulted your bios it should be defaulting to the 1070 for post.
If you did, disable multimonitor support and the likes related to the iGPU and have a cable only connected to the 1070.

as a last resort disable iGPU in bios. However if you still get a blank screen you will need to remove the motherboard battery to reset the bios to use the iGPU.

EDIT: If you can attatch a second monitor it may be worth while you are in windows on the iGPU, checking to see how many displays windows recognises with a display plugged into the iGPU and a display plugged into the 1070. Before disabling the above obviously.

I just had both monitors plugged into my 660, I’ve tried disabling the igpu and taking the mother board battery out. Last thing I tried Just was having one plugged in to 1070 one in igpu but nothing, just s black screen
I’m going to test my card in another pc in a minute, if it works it’s gotta be something to do with the BIOS but I don’t know what else to do
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