Pure HTML and CSS Gallery Script

10 Jul 2006
Hi there,

I am looking for a good pure html and css gallery script (no javascript).

Must be compatible in as many browsers as possible (opera, firefox and ie).

I would like one of the ones that makes the whole screen darker and shows the picture in the middle with a little border.

What do you suggest?

i have a pictuer gallery on my first site i built that is only css and html. it can be found here: http://ride.0taxi.com/addy010/photo.html

now i no it doesn't make it dark etc, but im very sure that that would be possible, put some background image of a transparentish png file in css and make it repeat y and x. i would have a go but can't until im home and with photoshop. maybe you can try something
addy_010 said:
i have a pictuer gallery on my first site i built that is only css and html. it can be found here: http://ride.0taxi.com/addy010/photo.html

now i no it doesn't make it dark etc, but im very sure that that would be possible, put some background image of a transparentish png file in css and make it repeat y and x. i would have a go but can't until im home and with photoshop. maybe you can try something

transparent pngs aren't supported by internet explorer 6. you also need javascript to achieve this, as pr0t0c0l correctly stated, as you'd need to take advantage of onclick and some other weird voodoo.
addy_010 said:
now i no it doesn't make it dark etc, but im very sure that that would be possible, put some background image of a transparentish png file in css and make it repeat y and x. i would have a go but can't until im home and with photoshop. maybe you can try something

My thoughs exactly, but as said pngs arent supported in IE6 which is the downfall.

Guess I will have to use javascript.

I can do the actual gallery bit, its just making the whole page darker.

Thanks for your responses.
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