'Pure Pwnage' Discussion

18 Oct 2003
Just watched episode 10 of the show and strangely enough it got me thinking. I know, weird, a self made comedic show spurring some thought. Episode 10 does unfortunately have some swearing so i will not be linking, and those that do seek it out have been warned.

Anyway, i was thinking, this show has pretty high production values. From the audio to camera work, even though a lot is handy cam its pretty good stuff. The characters they have created and scenes/ideas are really quite original and lead to geniunely humorous moments.

I dont want to spoil Episode 10 as it would be much better for you to watch it when you get a free half an hour. Its no Shawshank Redemption, but for a project as it is.. its really rather good. Then come back here and tell us what you think at the end. If you havnt seen previous episodes you may be slightly lost but it is sort of pickup'able.
emailiscrap said:
I was actually asking if they were standalone episodes or if they are a series that needs to be watched in order ;)


Stick it through the first few and then it pays dividends.
I cant stop watching episode 10, its fantastic. The song at the end is brilliant...

"I said you remind me of gay....... everythings ok now... coz im with you"
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