Push bike storage

I bought a van, so I wouldn't need to take the front wheel off my MTB when I go ride ;)
Still, yes tightening bolts doesn't take long, but making sure your bars are straight etc, will annoy the crap out of me.
It would also make them difficult to hang.
It's not as easy as you would think even with the bars on straight (and i'm mainly doing it with light road bikes as well)
I have mine hanging on the wall by the front wheel (like this).
Offset the hooks up/down so that you can get them closer together without handlebars interfering.

Same, but I hang them by the rear wheel. I used to hang by the front but I think this led to my headsets developing some play.

I also have my three bike car rack secured to the wall using the mounting strips for a flat panel TV. This is a more compact solution but it's a pain when you want the bike at the back.

I looked into the roof hanging type like you linked as well but i decided that there wasnt enough height in the room to have any useable space under the bikes so it would have just taken up as much space as sitting them on the floor.
Hanging vertically against a wall was the best use of space for me.
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