Pushing out printers with non-default settings

5 May 2003
Hi guys,

I've got no problem pushing out printers via GP with bat/vbs scripts but I'm looking to push out a Ricoh printer with Duplex enabled by default.

I can push it out with a vbs script and take away the rights which will allow me to add accessories but I cannot set duplex this way.

Any ideas? I'm sure there's a very easy way of doing it...
Something sneaky like rundll,ricoh32.dll,,2? Although this change is gonna be written to an .ini or the registry I woulda thought.
If your running 2003, use Pushprinterconnections.exe to deploy your printers (along with GP), then they are centrally managed, allowing you those custom changes.
If your running 2008, use GP to target the printers.
Boom, it's a bit weird I don't have any options for the printer management even though it's setup as a printer server.

Also don't have the option to add this via add/remove.

The advanced features of print management are in R2, and the stuff you need to do what i said are on the 2k3 CD (ppc.exe) and in any GP. :).
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