Put the bong down son - A few randon physics thoughts (probably completely wrong)

Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
No I'm not drunk today (yet). I'm just bored. I know I'm completely wrong about the below ideas. But I've been wondering about a few things and thought I'd thrown them out here. So come at me bro. Blow them apart with actual facts rather than my casual musings :)

1) Why this universe is 'just right' to support the formation of stars, planets and life... I believe that we are in just one universe of many. But unlike the typical multiverse theory I suspect we may be in a family tree of universes. Each universe has a parent and many children which bud off from the them. Just like in a family tree of plants or animals, a child universe would inherit some characteristics of the parent and alter them slightly. So while each universe may have subtly different laws of physics, this one is 'just right' to form what we need for stars, galaxies, planets and life. Other universes which aren't as 'successful' may collapse into themselves or evaporate. Survival of the fittest.

2) Our universe may not be expanding. Instead it might be contracting... If our universe is expanding then the natural question is "what is it expanding into?". Well maybe it isn't expanding. Maybe the boundaries of our universe are relatively fixed. But the size of matter is contracting which results in the distance between matter getting larger. As a very, very small scale this may not be noticeable to us, or at the atomic level atoms compress closer to reduce those gaps. But over vast distances it looks like it's expanding.

3) Universes might be formed inside black holes... I know this is a common theory. But it may explain both of the above points. If they are formed inside black holes then it could explain how there would be a family tree of universes which eventually leads to one that can form correct structure and support life. It could also explain how our universe is expanding (extra matter being drawn into the black hole causing our universe to expand as the mass of the black hole in the parent universe increases) or even contracting (gravity from the parent universe compresses matter in this universe into a smaller and smaller space, resulting in the appearance of expansion above). I think that if this does turn out to be true then we will one day find evidence that the universe is expanding at different rates over time. We already believe that there was a period of rapid expansion at the start of the universe. But perhaps we will see evidence of different rates of expansion at other times too, as matter is sucked into the black hole in the parent universe.

4) Time may be expanding along with the universe... A common theory is that space and time are unified. If the universe is expanding then presumably time is expanding with it. While we usually describe time as linear, maybe it's actually a bubble. As the universe expands (or at least appears to expand) then time also expands with it. This would explain 'the past'. A growing bubble of time increases the volume of 'the past'. But there is no 'future' yet. Just like there is nothing beyond the edge of the universe there is no edge (or tomorrow) beyond the edge of the bubble of time. However as the bubble grows then everything inside it grows too.
Are you able to read more than 10 words without losing focus?

@Hades I highly recommend this video. It's not entirely on the topic of your musings but it's very informative and incredibly interesting (the whole channel is very good tbh, loads of cool stuff on there):

Thanks, Will do.
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