Put Your Hands Up For Detroit Video Clip...



26 Jun 2005
WTF were they thinking :eek:

As much as i hate the song this video clip just makes me hate it even more!!! It has no point to it, Or any Relation to Detroit in it!!!

IMO Freddie was out to cash in with this video clip and thats all he had on his mind!!

There might be scantily clad ladys dancing on there but i see no hands up and i see no Detroit!!! I just see a lot of gay guys not being attracted to some girls that are trying to turn them on!!

What the hell is it about!!!

I hate this song andf video clip so much i have come to here to bitch about it :(
andy said:
has the detroit record only just got to australia or something :/

Nah the record has been out for bloody ages but i had only just seent eh video clip a week or 2 ago since i dont normaly watch the music shows that are on in the morning on weekends
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