Putting up a blind...

25 Oct 2009
Right then all you wise DIY folk... the vlind in the kitchen "fell down" th other day and it needs to go back up...

The only trouble is it doesn't look like I can reuse the plugs that are there as they stayed in the ceiling but the screws came out.
The wall/ceiling is a lintel (correct word?) over patio doors and as such is completely hollow behind the plaster.

So.. would I just use plaster plugs like these or can I use these?
The screws currently are small at only about 15mm long!

I can fill, sand, paint existing holes no prob. :D

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I used those exact plugs to rehang coat hooks that were pulled out of the wall because it was secured using standard rawl plugs, rather than proper plasterboard ones. 5 years on it hadn't come out of the wall again.

The ones I linked will certainly do a better job, but you're always dependent on the strength of the plaster vs the weight of the blind + you pulling on the cord.
The blinds in our old flat had much the same problem as you've found and I always supported the blind with one hand when pulling it up, it started pulling out the week we vacated so I wasn't about to get too precious about it but probably would have used the same plugs again.
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