
19 Mar 2024
on the throne
they clearly are not pyramids but the ears of Giant Robot cats and the horns of Unicorns buried underground forgotten ready for a time when the plannet is invaded by aliens, to rise and wreeck the earth mothers vengence upon interlopers.
Rise my Prettys, Rise and protect us from the lizard men and the Greys!!!

the anicents also had batteries primitive as they were and a form of healthcare, seen from arm amputations which were cared for.

you only have to look at japanese swords which we cant reproduce at int he current modernb times, expertly crafted.
humans are inventive when they need to be, you make do with what you got.

how about those london railway tunnels dug out by hand, and contructed with light and string guides. in a few hundrad years people wont beleive how it was constructed by hand.

one thing people also forget is the enviroment back then was differant, it was a lot more greener.
And Men and Women really knew how to work! non of this bad hair day starts.

i can well beleive they were contructed by some very smart people with vission.
there is so much information lost to that time, like Babylon and its many mysteries.

i kind of like Doc E E Smiths explanations in the lens man series..
Very informative there must have been some smart people around. Wasn't that long ago just blows my mind how they did it.
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