Python help

6 Mar 2008
Stoke area

I've a little python program I have written that pulls an xml feed and pulls the few pieces of info I need ou t of it....problem is, that's all I know how to do so far.

I need it running from 08:03 until 00:33, every 30 mins and to record the data.

I've been looking and it appears that datetime and schedule are the best ways of doing this and I am more than willing to play around until I get something that works.

However, my issue is, how to run it. As its for a little work project I don't want to fork out for a webserver that runs python as it'll cost me money I don't have spare. I've only ever run things via IDLE.

So, what choices do I have?

Run it on my work PC but we desk share and there is always the chance some muppet will restart it.

Free webspace? any that allow python?

maybe look at a home server option?

Would you advise saving to a file/txt doc to start or going straight for a database issue. text file would probably do for now but if I expand to other sites or the data range I am tracking then a database option might help. plus, it needs putting into a excel format for managers. Shame I couldn't write it to google docs and just copy paste.

Any advice is gratefully received :)
6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
nice one, i'll check sqlite out and the links.

I could leave my home machine on, but have such issues with the internet dropping out constantly that I wouldn't trust it. Might invest in a RasPi and have it set up at work, no one will touch it then :D
6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
tried a few online resources and had some trouble with the code no working as it should.

Instead, i've shortened the code down, saved it to my dropbox folder and am, running it via scheduler on Win7 and saving the results to a text doc in my dropbox folder meaning I can share the results. Starts at 08:02 this morning for it's first 12 hour run, lets see how it goes so I can tweak the scheduler to do what I want :D

Thanks for the advice, more to come no doubt as I try new things and tweak this :D
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