Q about Creative T20s & Headphones

23 Jun 2007

Thinking of getting a pair of these speakers for general internet useage, but I'd also like to get a set of good stereo headphones for gaming. Will be using an X-fi Gamer.

So my question is, does plugging the headphones into the jack on the speakers have a detrimental effect on sound quality? And if so, am I better off swapping the speakers and headphones directly on the sound card?

Or would something like this work just as good?
Having just got myself a set of T20s I can wholeheartedly recommend them. The sound is excellent compared to my last pc speakers, surprisingly creating a much bigger sound than you'd expect of speakers this size and with good base/detail levels too.

I've just tried my headphones (Grado SR60s) through the front port and haven't noticed any loss in detail at all, however I haven't had a proper gaming session using this method yet so I'll let you know for definite later on.

The soundcard I use is the Extreme Music version so I imagine you'll be fine there too. I wouldn't bother with any switching devices as I'm pretty sure you'll be happy with both the output from the speakers and using headphones via the front port.
Having just got myself a set of T20s I can wholeheartedly recommend them. The sound is excellent compared to my last pc speakers, surprisingly creating a much bigger sound than you'd expect of speakers this size and with good base/detail levels too.

I've just tried my headphones (Grado SR60s) through the front port and haven't noticed any loss in detail at all, however I haven't had a proper gaming session using this method yet so I'll let you know for definite later on.

The soundcard I use is the Extreme Music version so I imagine you'll be fine there too. I wouldn't bother with any switching devices as I'm pretty sure you'll be happy with both the output from the speakers and using headphones via the front port.

Excellent, thanks for the feedback :)
Well, after having a good session setting people on fire (TF2 :D) last night I can now confirm that using headphones via the front port of the T20s is fine - good base and detail levels and I didn’t have any problems pinpointing ze enemy.

The only niggle I have with the speakers themselves is the blue light on the front. Good god it's bright, I've had bicycle lights that weren't as bright as this thing. A bit of electrical tape has temporarily solved it for now but I'll look into something more permanent at a later date. I remember reading somewhere about the 'Blue Light of Death' mod a while back so I might investigate that.

Like I say though, the blue light is only a niggle and not worth taking them back for or anything. All in all I would still give these speakers 10/10 :)
Well, after having a good session setting people on fire (TF2 :D) last night I can now confirm that using headphones via the front port of the T20s is fine - good base and detail levels and I didn’t have any problems pinpointing ze enemy.

The only niggle I have with the speakers themselves is the blue light on the front. Good god it's bright, I've had bicycle lights that weren't as bright as this thing. A bit of electrical tape has temporarily solved it for now but I'll look into something more permanent at a later date. I remember reading somewhere about the 'Blue Light of Death' mod a while back so I might investigate that.

Like I say though, the blue light is only a niggle and not worth taking them back for or anything. All in all I would still give these speakers 10/10 :)

That's great, I really appreciate the feedback :)

Oh and yes, I had heard about the LED being a tad bright... Apparently some solve the problem by colouring it in with a black marker! Might give that one a go myself :)
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