I imagine it's probably because no one has listened to them, at least no one looking at this forum or has seen this thread.
I suppose it's probably a good idea to look at alternatives and whether or not you require Bluetooth for speakers that will be connected to the TV, seeing as there is a lack of opinions on the BT3's.
If you do require a Bluetooth connection to them, then they might be a good choice. Peter Tyson has them for £209, far cheaper than Richer Sounds.
I saw Wharfedale DS1 for £130, which do look good, but they don't have the power of the BT3. 14w compared to 50w. Depends how much volume you need I guess.
If you don't require Bluetooth, then maybe there are good active alternatives that will do a good job for less. Microlab or Edifier speakers for example.