Q Acoustics BT3 Bluetooth Active Speakers

5 Apr 2014
Hey all. Wonder if anybody could help me please been looking at the Q Acoustics BT3 Bluetooth Active Speakers for our main tv instead of a soundbar does anybody have these speakers or heard them before? they seem to get decent reviews are they worth the money?
I imagine it's probably because no one has listened to them, at least no one looking at this forum or has seen this thread.

I suppose it's probably a good idea to look at alternatives and whether or not you require Bluetooth for speakers that will be connected to the TV, seeing as there is a lack of opinions on the BT3's.

If you do require a Bluetooth connection to them, then they might be a good choice. Peter Tyson has them for £209, far cheaper than Richer Sounds.

I saw Wharfedale DS1 for £130, which do look good, but they don't have the power of the BT3. 14w compared to 50w. Depends how much volume you need I guess.

If you don't require Bluetooth, then maybe there are good active alternatives that will do a good job for less. Microlab or Edifier speakers for example.
Not heard them either. Do you have a richer sounds anywhere near you, they sell them and should let you have a listen.
Bluetooth isn't essential as all my music and films are on a external HDD. Wanting something with a nice sound for both music and films, But nothing to big as our room ain't the biggest was also looking at the Denom DM39 Amp with good set of speakers that amp is small to fit in the cabinet under the tv that has optical also
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