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Q3 2022 - NVIDIA Gains 88% Market Share Hold, AMD Now at 8% Followed By Intel at 4%

4 Jun 2009

During Q3 2022, total PC GPU shipments declined by -25.1% (Y/Y) out of which desktop graphics saw a -15.43% decline and notebook graphics saw a -30% decline. This was termed as 'the biggest drop since the 2009' recision by Jon Peddie himself. More on the overall GPU market share here.

So coming to the discrete GPU market share numbers, the report tells us that the dGPU shipments decline to 14 million units versus 24 million units in the previous year. That's a drop of -41.6% & is quite massive if you consider that the third quarter is usually the strongest growth quarter for PCs. During this quarter, NVIDIA managed to raise its market hold to 88%, a record number followed by AMD whose market hold declined to single-digit figures of just 8%. Intel managed to more or less retain its share hold of 4%, witnessing a 1% decline from the previous quarter but a solid 4-5% gain versus the previous year.

4 Jun 2009
Doesn't surprise me too much tbh after seeing steams survey for October (obviously not the be all but gives a good rough indication to market trends)


At the end of the day, nvidia have had a massive advantage over the past 2 years:

- RT performance (not that important according to many but difference was, with ampere and having dlss, it was very good, with rdna 2 poor RT perf. and lack of fsr, it wasn't even playable/usable unless a game with very little RT or metro ee)
- upscaling tech, nvidia had 2-3 years of this where amd took forever with fsr 2 and whilst improving, uptake has and still is less than dlss, arguably this has probably been the main selling point for RTX gpus
- stock, due to amd having to supply 80% of their hardware to consoles, there was sweet **** all, was crazy when I was signed up on part alerts for 3080, 6800xt, several popups every day for the 3080, meanwhile, like 1 for 6800xt every day or 2 if that

I am fully expecting to see nvidia lose market share and amd gain some back this coming year though given nvidias pricing of lesser tiers and the fact that the 4080 isn't selling well at all just goes to show it's not a case of "mindshare" like many like to go on about.
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4 Jun 2009
Intel are the king this time round for bang per buck. Only reason I went from a 5600x to a 5800x3d as it worked out better bang per buck than going a new platform, had it not been for that 3d chip, would have got a 13600k
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