Q6600 Win 7 32 or 64 bit?

17 Dec 2006
I have recently upgraded to a Q6600 as my old E6300 was 32 bit, is it really worthwhile now upgrading Win 7 to 64 bit.??

I have both 32 and 64 bit discs anyway :)

No reason not to now, 64 bit W7 is 100 stable for me and no driver problems at all. You will be able to utilize all your 4GB of memory in 64 bit as apposed to 3GB or so you get with 32 bit.
The only difference between 64 and 32 bit, is legacy drivers.

Any 64-bit driver since XP will work (ive used em on vista and win 7 before).

But that said a lot of 64-bit drivers for old hardware is available via windows update.

Only ever had one problem and thats with an old scanner that I couldnt get a 64-bit driver for. I have replaced said scanner now, but since found there is a program called vuescan which uses a generic 64-bit driver that works on about 99% of all scanners.

64bit has a 32 bit emulation mode so youll have no problems with programs etc, and its a no brainer when running 4GB ram or more.
The e6300 is a 64bit chip?

Most CPU's from 2004 are 64bit now.

Pentium 4 3.06 hyper threaded was the first Intel x64. Intel had that RISC 64bit before that however, but everyone went over to AMD's 64bit standard.

I have been using xp64 since early 2006 - at that early time felt like I was the only one running x64, times change however!.
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