[Q9550] Lowest temps under 100% load on all 4 cores?



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Previously I've never really tested temps by maxing the cores in the real world (and as such the stability of the overclock) but tonight I left a video to encode using Handbrake and I am quite pleased with the temp not going above 56 degrees with all cores maxed and me watching a movie + surfing.

It's a 1.2750v VID Q9550 at 3.4 (8.5x400) and 8GB RAM at 1:1 // 5-5-5-12-52-2T - using an Ultra120 and Akasa fan at 848rpm.

Last time I used handbrake was when I had the Q6600 and that reached 65-70 degrees under load.

Lots of people have had this CPU before so I wondered what temps on what coolers people have gotten (or are getting) under these kinds of load conditions?

I noticed gaming in L4D2/TF2 etc don't tax it much at all and temps barely rise above 45 degrees and idle temps are 35-38.
I think I know why it died :p

Yeah I am impressed with the CPU, I know the i7 chips will do it it probably half the time but I cannot see myself spending £300+ to upgrade only to lose some extra encoding time when gaming and OS usage will see only a minimal boost in performance!

Will perhaps even skip the i7 generation and wait until the next logical generation.


Ah, ran Orthos but it seems to only use 2 cores so I guess runing 2 instances is the way.

Anyway, Orthos temps rise to 61 degrees!
IBT was much better, 64bit and all 4 cores - and as such 68 degrees was the highest temp on a 10run session - completed nicely though and I found out my BIOS beeps when the temp reaches 66 degrees!


The great thing though is that the PU fan ramps up and down on the fly which is nice (BIOS controlled but I use Gigabyte ET6 to set the level it ramps up to around 1200rpm at (60 degrees) but the moment each run in IBT finished the temp dropped to 40 instantly so looks like my heatsink and paste install as well as airflow is nigh on perfect!
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