quake 3

This is the only online game I play now - I use the unpatched version as there are fewer servers to sift through. Used to be fairly good, but just haven't played as much recently :D

I tend to go on Instagib/Freeze Rail matches and there are a few clans out there still (there are a lot more on the 1.32 release though)
played it everyday solid since the first demo.....then WoW came out :(.

i didnt go straight away but the community certainly shrunk.
afaik, if you play unpatched (initial release) the master server list doesn't authenticate any CD keys, so you don't even have to put a CD key in to play online or offline. It just works. :D

However, the cd key authentication is turned on by default in the latest 1.32 release along with PunkBuster, so you'd need more than likely need to put a valid one in then.

However, not all servers on 1.32 are configured to block invalid/not present keys. I believe the server side console command to turn CD key authentication on and off is

sv_strictAuth 1 (turns authentication on)
sv_strictAuth 0 (turns authentication off)

edit: buying the game second hand shouldn't be a problem as long as it has a valid key.
1.31 is the version where CD key verification was disabled.

Last time I played Q3, a lot of people were still using this as opposed to the current version.
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