Quake 4 1.3 Patch to be released soon

13 Oct 2003
Left of the middle
The Quake 4 1.3 Point Release is being released today. More information coming soon.

UPDATE: All QuakeCon 2006 Quake 4 tournaments will be using the 1.2 Point Release due to the limited amount of time available for players to adjust to the new gameplay changes, however, all BYOC servers will be running the 1.3 Point Release, so it is suggested that everyone patch to 1.3 except for those who may wish to keep a separate 1.2 copy for use of practicing prior and during the tournament.

UPDATE:: The following files will soon be available:
1.3 Point Release Full Patch (win32) (232 MB)
1.2-1.3 Point Release Upgrade (win32) (138 MB)
1.3 Point Release Full Patch (linux) (228 MB)
1.2-1.3 Point Release Upgrade (linux) (136 MB)
1.3 Point Release SDK (win32) (56 MB)
1.3 Point Release SDK (linux) (61.4 MB)

Fingers crossed. This will make or break Q4.
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i saw this thread and thought i'd reinstall Q4 and try these new patches and play a few games online. can any amount of patching get this game to where Q3 was? it's a good game in it's own right but for me anyway the multiplayer just doesn't cut it. maybe this new patch that's being released will help.
I've played a few ffa's so far and I can honestly say the game feels so much more responsive and a hell of a lot quicker.
Any decent amount of people online with it yet? , last time I tried when the game came out most of the servers were empty :(.

Also can you use r_lightdetailevel online yet? , as it was locked when it first came out.
Picked up Quake 4 on release, played through it in a matter of days and have never really touched it again.

I gave the MP a shot, but the community was dead. Found it hard to find a packed server. That was a while ago now, anything changed?
Just had a quick run around the new maps and they seem pretty good. That new napalm gun looks a bit dodgy tho - gonna be spamming all over the place in DM! It also looks and sounds like a reject from UT :(
It ain't half bad now, I quite liked it before patching and have played a lot online. Now it is less like Q2 pace and more like QW/Q3 pace. Personally I'm finding it a little fast but I'll adjust.

Overall the wep change, movement and mostly of the niggly little issues are gone. You 'flow' a lot better now, don't seem to get stuck on edges etc all the time.

Well worth playing again now...
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