Quake 4 issues

17 Jun 2005
Recently installed this game, load it up, set settings at 1280 x 1024, 2 x AA, all high. Restart the game as it requests. Then start the first level i notice that all the textures are still in low and also AA is turned off specular and bump mapping are off. Basically running at ultra low settings. I go back to the video options menu the settings still appear to be in high settings although after several restarts i cant get the textures any better then 'low'. Anybody else had this problem? Its very strange.

I tried deleting the CFG file but that didn't help. Also i tried using the 'auto detect best settings' button which auto detected 640 x 480, low settings. Which seems a bit silly as my computers not exactly slow.

Windows SP2, AMD64 3500+ (o/c2600), Geforce 6800GT(o/c 420/1.12), 1024 Corsair pc3200 RAM.
You could try changing your config file then make it read only. Not the best solution i know but worth a try.
Just gave that a try, didnt work.

im totally baffled with this one. I pacthed it to the latest version to see if that would help, no luck. Gonna try a re-install now.

Any suggestions keep them coming
Have you checked your nvidia driver options to make sure you haven't forced it to "performance" mode, or some excessive LOD Bias? Some people like to do that for benchmarking and then forget to change it back for games.
yup thats all as it should be, its strange i dont have a similar problem in any other game. I tried a re-install, no success. :S.

Last thing i can think of to help diagnose is installing the demo see if that has a similar problem. So ill go do that now ;)
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