Quake 4

26 Jul 2004
I heard some people say that the single player was poor and the online was awful. Well, i took the dive and for £20 im not moaning one bit!.

On my 6800NU, graphics on high, 1280x1024 no AA or AF, the game looks beautiful! Plays sweet too! I was expecting some kind of crawl, at least until i upgrade my comp.

Began the single player and am loving it. The whole getting captured and half transformed into a strog was wicked, loved it.

Am i the only person who actually likes the single player?...

I have no idea how far I am into it, but i just keep going around going oooooooo. I played HL2 on high, 12x10, it was fine but no scratch on this.
i got it for £20 ages ago, just never got round to playing it, WOW, CSS, HL2, etc..

Graphically i think its better than hl2 :rolleyes: maybe its just me. I didn't think the tank part was hard :confused:
haha, Im not comparing the gameplay to HL2. HL2 is way too versatile compared to Q4. I was merely comparing the graphics ;) I just think they have nailed the right kind of atmosphere and gameplay.

Aint even tried the multiplayer yet =x
-Tauren- said:
Lol. I've just started playing this again. I'm up to the part where you get the railgun. I thought the tank bit was OK. My favorite bit so far and most impacting, was the brutallity they put you through to turn you into a strogg. I wondered why it was an 18 certificate til i reached that bit :p lol. Maybe im just squeemish. :confused:

no way mate, i was thinking the exact same thing. I was sat there holding my breath like :eek:

Thats the sort of thing i like in a game, For it to ship you along without any knowledge of what is to come... and having some poor sap before you on the conveyor belt while you watch :eek:
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