Quake 4s second disk is awesome

4 Dec 2002
North Lincolnshire
In fact, its better than quake 4 lol. Those that dont know you get quake 2 full game with a co-op multiplayer which just took up 4 hours of my evening. The game looks like its been tarted up abit and uses full AA and AF filtering on the xbox 360 :D

Quake 4 multiplayer online reminds me a lot of trying to play quake 3 with a pad on the PC. Fast and hard to get use to the aiming but damn fun anyway. Get this just for the quake 2 disc lol - 1 word for it and thats AWESOME
I'm really tempted by this. I loved Q2 (it got me into FPS games on the PC) and thought the mutiplayer was always better than the cartoon route they took with 3/4.

Is there a deathmatch mutiplayer with it or is it just playing the missions through in co-op? Is it live enabled or only split screen?
I loved playing through Quake II again on the XBox. I expected a quick and easy port, but it's lovely 720p, widescreen and full AA. Sweet!

No Live play, but then I never expected it. Full deathmatch and co-op mode.
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