Quake IV - I feel cheated.

14 Jul 2004
This is exactly the same as Star Trek Voyager - Elite Force, which is a 5 year old game - even some of the missions are the same. This is average in every way. I was willing to forgive Doom3, at least it had a new engine, but this is disapointing.

I.D. are reduced to cashing in on their good old titles - thats very sad, they used to lead the field in PC games. Raven used to design decent games too, what happened?

At least I got this cheap. Cheap price tag, cheap cash in :mad:

Raven and I.D. need a boot up the ass :mad: I won't buy anymore of their games unless they seriously shape up :mad:

If you loved the old quake games than STAY AWAY from this, you'll get very upset.
DDave said:
The thing is people tend to buy quake games or any fps for that matter for the multiplayer so they wouldn't care what the single player was like (it will only usually get played once).

Ehm, no, thats no excuse. I, along with loads of gamers happen to love single player fps. More so than multiplayer games, even. I go for a bit of story, suspense and thrill. If they're going to do it, it should be done well, not a cash in effort like this.

This is an average production on BOTH single and multiplayer - a rehash of a five year old game. Yeah, I'm disapointed, and I have a right to be if I fork out the $$. I've been suckered by I.D. Never thought I'd say it :(
Sleepery said:
a fairly by the numbers affair without a doubt, but I found it very enjoyable.

I can't say it's a bad game, its alright, but thats precisely why I'm so mad at this. It seems to me we're going though a period of mediocre productions, and we’re totally tolerating it! There was a time when this was an innovative, competitive genre, and great original titles with new ideas where flying out thick and fast.

But if I have to play another game with a find-button-to-open-door mission, I’ll scream.

The old Quake games were a labour of love. This is a blatant ‘just do what we did before’ production.
richard1973 said:
As far as an FPS goes, what would people expect to see different or would like to? You start adding different game elements it doesn't become an FPS shooter anymore it becomes an adventure game and looses its action.

Well thats a fair question.

But the trouble is a lot of these games aren't even doing what they set out to do in the first place. Many of the elements that are there are poorly executed, or have been done much better in the past. Poor voice script and acting for example, no excuse! AI is average too - probably just ported the code from an older game. These things pull down the good parts of the game.
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