Quality 'Basic' programming language on Android ??

5 Jul 2007
Is there a 'good' and powerful basic programming language that works well on Android phones & tablets ?

I've looked on playstore and the web yet most seem undeveloped, full of bugs or require a convoluted setup process.
Depends how basic you want to go, but I'd suggest learning Flutter and Dart if you're looking to get in to development as a career.
Basic ... Beginners all purpose symbolic instruction code. Supplied with computers in the 80's, BBC, Atari, Commodore etc. A powerful version called 'Dark Basic' was on pc and still somewhat works if you can get hold of it, compiled to stand alone .exe files too. MUCH, MUCH easier to learn than C++, Java etc and can almost be as powerful when compiled to machine code.

No career sought here, too old for that
Basic ... Beginners all purpose symbolic instruction code. Supplied with computers in the 80's, BBC, Atari, Commodore etc. A powerful version called 'Dark Basic' was on pc and still somewhat works if you can get hold of it, compiled to stand alone .exe files too. MUCH, MUCH easier to learn than C++, Java etc and can almost be as powerful when compiled to machine code.

No career sought here, too old for that
What are you trying to achieve?
Probably worth running a bbc emulator and running bbc basic.

another could be learning python but that i find annoying.
Probably worth running a bbc emulator and running bbc basic.

another could be learning python but that i find annoying.

Yeah I've looked at python, not great. Used to program in BBC Basic/machine code, Fortran77 and VAX command language at work. Z80 and 68000 machine code on homemade computers and GFA basic on the Atari ST. Python is almost as bad as the pathetic 'pseudocode' they force kids to learn in school. Bring back machine code and compiled Basic !
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Yeah I've looked at python, not great. Used to program in BBC Basic/machine code, Fortran77 and VAX command language at work. Python is almost as bad as the pathetic 'pseudocode' they force kids to learn in school. Bring back machine code and compiled Basic !

Python = COBOL !
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