Quality cheap after market clutch and break levers

18 Oct 2002
Huge reach on the the brake lever means i can either bend the exising or get new levers.

I have had a look and £80 for a new set is a bit steep there are £30 sets on ebay but are any good?
A lot of people recommend this seller for cheap levers.


I suspect this may open up a huge debate on cheap copy levers. All I'll say is i've snapped a few OEM levers and been less than impressed with the metal quality.

I've also owned 2 pairs of levers from the above seller with no problems at all.

Your'll get mixed opinions on them I'm sure.
I've had the cheap £20 Chinese copies on my bike for over a year now and they're fine. When I get my next bike, hopefully next week, I'll buy some from that eBay link once again.
I bought these on ebay from chinaland about 19mths ago for about £30.
Took a week to arrive.
The only gripe i have is the black on one of the levers has faded from being out in the sun.


I read somewhere that these have the potential for locking your front brake on due to fluid return or something silly like that?

I had them on my 600F and they were fine, but I did read somewhere of a possible brakes slamming on at 70(ish) and no way of releasing.
I read somewhere that these have the potential for locking your front brake on due to fluid return or something silly like that?

I had them on my 600F and they were fine, but I did read somewhere of a possible brakes slamming on at 70(ish) and no way of releasing.

This will only happen if the levers have been badly made so they are constantly pressing on the master cylinder piston, which will block the return ports. The same thing can happen with badly made standard pattern levers, or if incorrect levers are fitted (i.e. designed for a different bike).

However there's really no excuse for this happening, as you simply need to check there is a small amount of clearance between the lever and the master cylinder piston when you fit the lever.

The brakes don't "slam on" either, they get applied harder and harder as the disc heats up so you should notice a performance hit before it locks up, especially on a smaller bike. It's a thermal runaway condition, the hotter the brakes, the harder the pads get applied, which makes the brakes hotter still etc.
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I bought several sets of the cheap Chinese levers for previous bikes which were fine. I've now had 3 sets on the FZ6 and they all faded within a week of fitting, went a horrible bronze colour.

I've fitted proper Pazzos to the ZX6R, lost my trust in the Chinese ones now.
Just received my 3rd pair of levers from the twowheels. good service as always, took just over 2 weeks to get here.


Like said above the brakes wont sudden jam on if they are incorrectly fitted, as heat builds up in the discs and pads the brakes will get firmer and firmer. your'll soon know if something is wrong when you're reving the nuts off the bike and its not going anywhere!

A simple check to make sure there is a small gap between the MC push rod and the lever, and also making sure the front wheel is free spinning is always a good idea after fitting any new levers.

No doubt the colours will fade if left out in all weathers and in direct sun.
You could easily got over this by giving them a coat of lacquer before fitting them.

But for 20 quid as apposed to 150 odd I cant complain.
There's nothing wrong with the Chinese CNC machined levers. They are straight copies of other brands.
I've had them on many of my bikes and never had a problem.

That was the only problem with the set I had on my old hornet, other then that they were awesome levers for the price.
No doubt the colours will fade if left out in all weathers and in direct sun.

It seems to be batch dependent. My first 2 sets on the SV650 and ER5 were fine, never faded at all.
Then I had 3 sets on the FZ6 and they faded almost instantly regardless of weather conditions.

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