Quantum Leap, Reboot Set At NBC With Pilot Order

24 Oct 2005
North East

No topics yet so thought id post it here.

Yep its quantum leap, yes its a reboot, will i watch it even tho big fan, probably not as dean and scott were the show and their chemistry, without them i dont think id be bothered even if it still had leaping and moral play of the week etc.

Just gutted dean died last year and its just too late all of this, it shoulda been brought back years ago.
They were once gona try to do a continued quantum leap i think unless fan inspired by using his daughter that somehow he had during the 3 parter where he was defending a women 3 times during 3 episodes from murder or some other such thing. Think her name was to be sam too. Which inherits his genius. So the story would be she would learn about her dad in the future and go off and try to find and rescue him.

Personally the way the show ended i figured since he learned how to leap himself, and with Al being saved on the last ep he decided to keep leaping since he could go back anytime he wanted to from then on and so went instead of randomly leaping he lept where he fancied and explored history tho he didnt do as much saving history anymore since he had no assistant to help him and was alone so he had no backup for info as to who he lept into but he just did short visits instead. One day he might have gone back even tho the end credits says he never returned home.

I wish they added the restored ending where it shows al with his wife and kids back to the last ep as it adds a lot. To official releases.
Didnt like the first ep much, the cast was a bit meh apart from hudson. Ben wasnt too bad. The man/women ??? person i didnt like at all, please recast that! The woman thats bens gf is ok but meh kinda wanted someone like al who was a bit of a perv since no one could see him and his charm. The asian lass, meh shes in anything and everything (bsg, sg) and still dont like her.

The leap effect has been toned right down and no sfx i think iirc from it, its basically crap in this vs original effect.

Ziggy isnt talking in this one :(

The hand link is meh vs original, it doesnt have quirky sounds or the woman hitting it to work to get info out of it like al used to.

The imaging chamber, is there anyone in there to keep out of the way while the leapers in their body anymore?

Did like seeing beth again even tho it was a short time.

I miss the oh boy catchphrase, even tho we almost got it in ep2.

Also wheres all the future stuff from the original, it would have been good to expand on all that in this but nope it just looks like modern day. I know back then they didnt know what 2022 would be like so they tried a few things (remember al chasing a bad guy in the car and the women and all the led lights. I would have like to see a fleshed out version of 2022 in the show.

Oh and they use far too much screen time on the 2022 stuff, it should be rare story catchups for that stuff, most of the original was us seeing the leaper and figuring why he was there and getting on with it.
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