
8 Nov 2006
Ireland/Northern Ireland Border
Well I ordered some Ricotta from Tescamo and they delivered this instead.

I have two tubs of the stuff - any ideas on what to do with it?*

*1 bar of gold pressed latinum for the best idea

as tom said, chocolate powder (get some options hot chocolate stuff) and some water :)
Wait. What did they send you?

On a slightly off topic note this reminds me of the time I ordered some French mustard from Asda and ended up with some Frenches American mustard :o
How about something nice and simple?

1. Get some seasoned crackers or oat cakes.
2. Apply cheese
3. Apply a side order of chutney.
4. Prepare some sliced apple and grapes for the side.
5. Pour yourself a glass of wine.
6. ????????
7. Profit.
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On a slightly off topic note this reminds me of the time I ordered some French mustard from Asda and ended up with some Frenches American mustard :o

You think thats bad. I remember a couple of years back my mum ordered a tin of custard and they sent her a pack of custard creams! I kid you not.
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