query regarding purchase of mispriced items online

9 May 2005
Am I right in thinking that, if an item is advertised online at an incorrect price, and you then subsequently purchase it, the retailer can refuse the sale at any point up to when the monies leave your account but after that point, the item(s) must be provided at the purchased price?

If so, possible WOOT!

List Price: £3520
Our Price: £17.1


Ebay a go go!

yeah, even after they have despatched it and taken the money they have a period of time when they can claim it was an error and that they would either like the balance or the item returned afaik. But I'm no lawyer.
If the money has left your account then it's yours and they can't back out of it. Some people bought some xbox 360's with a bundled game that was mis-priced and the company tried to back out of it.

They threatened court action and the company backed down because they knew they would lose.
Usel said:
If the money has left your account then it's yours and they can't back out of it. Some people bought some xbox 360's with a bundled game that was mis-priced and the company tried to back out of it.

They threatened court action and the company backed down because they knew they would lose.

Got any links regarding this case?

cleanbluesky said:
Lifesize, motorised Hasselhoff sex doll?

You ordered one too?! :D

Yea, well I will be suprised if they let you have it. Sometimes Amazon make mistakes that and they refund you regardless.
Usel said:
If the money has left your account then it's yours and they can't back out of it. Some people bought some xbox 360's with a bundled game that was mis-priced and the company tried to back out of it.

They threatened court action and the company backed down because they knew they would lose.

Sorry but I think you will find they can.

When they find out they will refund the money and if they have sent the item ask for it back.

I think they have a year or even longer to sort the error out before you can safely say the item is yours for that price.
And it will only take one dopey git to email them saying 'are you sure that's the right price?' and everyone will lose out :p
dbmzk1 said:
I think they have a year or even longer to sort the error out before you can safely say the item is yours for that price.

Can anyone give a concrete answer on this?

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