quest 3 problem

28 May 2007
Saturn’s moon Titan
hi peeps I've had my quest 3 for about 4 months. Recently i have been getting disconnects when playing games. DCS half life 2 vr etc its getting really bad where i don't want to play it. has any of you had any issues like it and what did you do to fix it . the meta support is crap..

regards scubes
Have you checked if the WiFi in your area is congested? Tried changing the WiFi channel?

Are any other devices using your router?

Might be worth considering a 6E router as they are on a less congested band, and have higher bandwidth.
these things are usually down to a damaged cable, dirty usb ports or some EMI
the easiest thing to test I believe (since the MQ Link cable is basically a long USB type-c cable) is swap the link cable out for a short one from another device and see what happens
Yep, almost certainly a damaged cable. I'm on my third cable. (Thankfully I could replace my last one free as it had a lifetime warranty)
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