Question about 1080p LCD's & plasmas

Tough question, but it seems to me that it depends on how good the scaling and image processing is all round (from source to picture)...I've found that 720p stuff looks better on a WXGA (1366x768) LCD TV than my 1920x1200 LCD monitor; both are scaled, but by different amounts. Obviously one is a monitor and one a TV so they have different amounts of picture processing and this isn't a fair comparison.
I've sprung on WXGA because I've found a 1080i signal looks better when sampled down than when displayed 1:1 in all its interlaced shame, and 1080p sources on a 720p screen still look great. 1080p looks noticeably better than 720p on a 1080p capable screen, thats obvious, but availability of material that high-res is a killer.

I may be off the mark here (since its all first hand opinion), but in essence I agree with you...I think. Image processing can make up for a lot, ffdshow scales DVDs up to my 1920x1200 screen far better than I'd expected, DVDs with high production values such as LoTR can be mistaken for HD, but you will always be fighting a panel with a native resolution to some extent.

That said, I'm no expert...</disclaimer>
The only real problem may come from SD "interlaced sources" Scaling a progressive source isnt that difficult.
Expect the 1080p sets to use high quality line doubling technology to help limit a poor image from traditionally older sources/formats. The Sony Bravia X series could be a winner, due late Autumn.

Not that many people purchasing an expensive 1080p screen will be bothering much for interlaced material but older consoles may be one source in 480i / 540i that could be a worry.

One example would be to compare to the Dell 24" models in TFTs which seem to be reasonable in scaling such "interlaced sources" and you can bet these TFTs wont have anything major in the way of picture enchancing circuitary that 1080ps will rely on.

One major benifit of 1080p screen is that you have a huge approx 1920x1080 based desktop (will be less when considering overscan) Therefore for a HTPC point of view this could be a bonus but may require "large" icons if viewing from a distance.
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