Question about AWS

18 Oct 2002
Riding my bike
I've been asked to archive a village website. The solution needs to be:
1) Cheap
2) Available to a restricted list of people
3) Basic LAMP setup

My guess is that AWS would probably work. I can use the free tier t2.micro instances to prove it all works.


Do charges only get levied when the server is turned on? If the server is only turned on when someone needs to access the old site I'm assuming that costs would be minimal.

Does the site get deleted if the site isn't turned on for a certain period?

I have thought about running a VM and setting it all up locally, but that requires someone to 'host' it and also has a higher technical level (expertise and hardware) required to set it up and run it.

Thanks guys
You get charged for storage when it's not powered on but not compute, is it a dynamic site? Or just flat html?

If it's just flat html you could host it on an s3 bucket but really it's not going to cost much if it's only turned on when someone asks. You could check out cheap vps providers like ovh?
If it's an archive that isn't going to change then serving it out of an S3 bucket is going to be the way to go. If there are dynamic elements to the site or it has a search feature then that's not going to work too well, but there are tools available to convert e.g. Wordpress sites into flat HTML files.

Is having it crawled by not enough?
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