question about complaint recieved for "unsafe" building work

11 Oct 2008
Hey guys,

Me and my father have recently purchased an old house which we are currently extending. Ever since we got planning permission we have been receiving complains left right and center for anything and everything we do. Which is sad as we are actually very considerate of the neighbors and have never had this problem before.

We have just received a letter from Health and Safety Executive with the following complaint.

- No use of personal protective equipment
- Alleges working off scaffold tower eaves level where safety bar set below knee level.

The scaffold one is a load of rubbish, however other than steel toe boots we don't wear any other ppe.

They want us to respond to this letter, and I was just wondering if we are actually doing anything wrong. Since the house is my fathers own house and it is just him and me working on it, are we breaking any laws?

They say they can fine us...
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