So I've found an old APS-C only prime lens I forgot I had and have tried it on my full frame body. It works perfectly with the obvious heavy vignetting being visible.
I'm actually quite surprised by the results but have a question regarding how cropping changes the effective field of view / focal length and hopefully some here can help!
The below is the full image at 24mp,edge of lens element visible.
The below is cropped to 18.03mp to remove most but not all of the vignetting
Question is with a 6mp crop taken off what would the focal length of the 2nd shot be?
Is it as below:
Original shot is 30mm at 24mp
I've cropped in by 6mp, reducing the mp count by 25%
Do I then take that 25% and add it to the original focal length therefore giving a 37.5mm field of view in the cropped shot?
I'm actually quite surprised by the results but have a question regarding how cropping changes the effective field of view / focal length and hopefully some here can help!
The below is the full image at 24mp,edge of lens element visible.
The below is cropped to 18.03mp to remove most but not all of the vignetting
Question is with a 6mp crop taken off what would the focal length of the 2nd shot be?
Is it as below:
Original shot is 30mm at 24mp
I've cropped in by 6mp, reducing the mp count by 25%
Do I then take that 25% and add it to the original focal length therefore giving a 37.5mm field of view in the cropped shot?
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