Question about dual channel ram.

12 Mar 2004
I was wondering what having dual channel ram actually does to things like memory speed and such. Since people are always saying run ram in dual channel mode.
But cpus cant utilize all that can they? I thought amd 64 cpus only had a 1000mhz htt. Unless you can overclock the fsb by 60%?
Why did everything switch to ddr 2 surely they could have made faster ddr ram? They already had 625Mhz ddr ram didnt they and now you need new ram when you want to upgrade. :(
So because the memory timings are slower are the am2 systems at stock are slower than the equivilent 939 systems?
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Oh and another question does more ram = possibly more latency because the pc has to search a larger amount of ram to find the data needed?
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