Question about dynamic/adaptive vcore



16 Mar 2007
Does anyone know how it works from what i've been seeing the cpu will just auto take the voltage it needs regardless say if you set +0.500 if it only wants +200mv for the desired speed it will only take +200mv ?

I am getting crazy high volts gaming im so confused i can run ibt prime etc pull 1.4 volts and be stable so whys gaming pulling 1.590 voltage when my dynamic vcores set to only allow 1.485 max on a 2500k ?

so from what I've been seeing dynamic vcore is like setting auto voltage ? just with a voltage ceiling you set ? so lets say i add +500mv to a vid of 1.3 thats 1.8 volts but it will only pull 1.4 volts if that what it needs >?

I think it is what i've said ? like an auto voltage with a ceiling you can set which can still be affected by board specific voltage spikes above the max offset voltage you set ? hence LLC
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from what im seeing its just auto voltage with a cap you can set ? lets say my vid is 1.300 and I add +0.200mv that is 1.5 volts

now if the cpu is stable at 1.350 4.5 ghz even with a +0.200mv voltage set it will still only max out at 1.350 voltage and not 1.5 volts

another thing is if you set a ceiling voltage say +0.200mv on a 1.30 so the max voltage will be 1.5 volts

then if you select a frequency for the cpu / multiplier and save and reboot back in to bios the motherboard will report the voltage that that frequency is going to require to be stable ? looks like it to me

I really don't understand the VID thing at all because stable is stable and appears to have nothing to do with mirroring a VID request ?
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