Question about flashes

25 Mar 2007
Hi there,

I'm wondering if I want to use an off camera flash what sort of thing do I need ? My camera is a Nikon D7000 and I'm wondering if a buy a flash can my camera trigger it without any other device? And without using the on camera flash.

Also what sort of money am I looking at for a one flash setup, can I use a 3rd party flash?

Thank you
D7000 has can use the popup as a master to control nikon speedlites like SB700 and SB900. Google 'nikon cls', its nikon's creative lighting solution for what you're talking about.

Nikon SB700 is about £200 I think, you can use third party but you wont get full control over it like you would with a nikon.
Nice one watched a few videos there, the guy in one says if you set the built in flash to -- in CMD mode it won't affect the exposure, does this mean I won't get the big shadow on the bottom of the frame when using my tokina 11mm -16mm ?
It means is a really low power flash setting used just to control the other flashes, but it can still affect the picture. Your tokina will get in the way of a popup flash no matter what, but chances are that wont matter with this because you should have flashes off camera.
Commander mode, set onboard flash to -- instead of ttl, set flash to remote channel one group a, Make sure the camera is set to the same and boom done.
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