Question about new Avexir 1.1 memory

12 Jan 2013
Gdansk, Poland
Hello 8 pack

I have a question about the new Avexir 1.1 sticks.
I was planning to buy 8/16 gb of those and seen the comment from one of OCuk staff saying that 2400mhz sticks are from Samsung. Those are best for oc'ing, right?
Another thing, I'd like this rig to be future proof ( 3 years+ ) thats why I was thinking about 16gb. So, 4 x4 gb or 2 x 8gb, having in mind that I'd like to oc?
And last thing, any chance you could 'play' with this memory a bit and tell us how good it is for overclocking?
Preferably with a 4770k :-)

Thanks in advance
I have not tested this memory so I cant comment on the overclocking. Most Samsung IC dimms do like 2600 C11 with around 1.7v similar for good Hynix also.

For OC heither config should be ok with decent IMC on your Haswell chip. Also a good MB is essential. Gigabyte OC or ASUS ROG are the way to go for getting great bandwidth and clocking from your RAM.
I am going to get a Z87 Hero for this build, so guess that's good enough.
I haven't tested my 4770k a lot, but seems a good chip so far, at least temps are good.

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