Question about RAM speed and mobo

26 Jul 2009

What happens by default if you use 3600mhz RAM with a mobo that supports max 3400mhz (OC)?

I presume it’ll work, but does the RAM down clock itself to 3400mhz or is it more complicated than that?

edit: it’s a 6600k on a Z170 Pro Gaming btw

CORSAIRCMR16GX4M2C3466C16(Ver4.31)16GB ( 2x 8GBSSN/AHeat-Sink Package16-18-18-361.35V●
Now up to 3466
You `Should` be able to oc the ram further even when mobo says 3466 max,but best wait for another opinion before buying if you are looking :)
First off i am certainly not as expert as others on here
But 4 sticks are harder to get working reliably as 2 sticks
Default speed with no XMP/DOCP would be 2133 or 2400 i think
With XMP/DOCP it would TRY to get the ram running at 3600 mhz

My best guess/advice is to get 2x8 GB of this stuff

BUT i reckon you will have to tweak and play about in the bios for for that corsair the 8Pack `should`be set XMP/DOCP in bios and away you go,slower overall speed but faster timings
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