Question about SBS2011 CALs

28 May 2010
London, UK
I have been advised that you don't need Device/User CALs for SBS2011 standard if there is no Exchange server is running in the server!
But from what I know, you need CALs if other devices or users are connected to the server(domain)!
Which is true? :confused:
You absolutely need CALs. IIRC the product comes with 5 that can be designated device or user. Then you need to buy more device or user CALs in packs of 5.

Sorry for the vagueness around packs - its been a while since I have had to buy any.
Thanks for the replay!
Wanted to get the server from a well known PC/Server manufacturer, so contacted them and went through all the details only to be told the above, but I have read before that CALs are needed as you said!
So I called Microsoft as well to confirm, and yes CALs are needed! It doesn't matter is exchange is there or not, if a device or user is connected to the server CAL is needed - thats by Microsoft.
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