Question about scanning resolution/enlarging A4 pics

6 Mar 2010
So I have a photo book where the pages are more or less A4 size. I've taken it apart, and I want to scan it at 2 different resolutions - one more "standard" just computer viewing size (probably around 2500-3000px on the longest side), and then one where I can print off A2 or even A1 prints from it if possible.

It's just a conventional all-in-one printer/scanner, and it has options from 200/300/600/1200/2400/4800. I'm guessing the smaller version doesn't need anything fancy and will be fine at 600 or even 300, but I'm not sure what would be the best option for the larger version (and yes I realise it's going to take a very long time to scan them at the larger size).
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