Question about Usb Controllers...

3 Jan 2009
I Have just got a PCI card which has got 4 USB ports (one doesnt work :( ) and 2 internal USB ports.

Silly question but why are there internal USB ports.

Im tempted to plug in my dongle wifi thing for my Keyboard.

What are they there for??

You can also shove USB drives in there set to ready-boost or whatever it was (basically move the paging-files onto the USB drives instead of your hard disc I think).

On an old computer that was upgraded a while back I used that to drop a 4GB USB pen in as that trippled the capacity, couldn't retire the machine due to finiky hardware attached to it but that worked nicely :D
If it said adds 6 ports then there may well be something wrong with the card like a broken track or the USB mount might not be properly soldered to the board.
Oh yeah its deffo a 6 port card.

Four on the back, and two internal.

It is second hand. Its meant for xp the card and im ruuning vista 64 bit. I wonder when it installed the drivers it installed a 5 port card driver ??

LOL - Just a guess :)
Well theres already on the back that doesnt work, probably the same problem for the internal one.

Cheap cards=dodgy connections & bad soldering.
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