Looking for expanding my USB3 port count to allow VR, been looking at external hubs but not sure if getting a PCIe expansion card would be better and what cards would be best.
Current spec in sig
Yeah, one for the headset and one for each sensor. I think they recommend that you put the headset and first two sensors in 3.0 ports but extra sensors (e.g. if you're going for roomscale) can go in 2.0 ports. Would probably work with 1 sensor in 3.0 and the other in 2.0.My motherboard only has 2x usb3 and 2x usb2 ports, found a post on oculus forums seemed to recommend inateck cards with the FL1100 so just ordered a 4 port card. How many ports does the oculus use? is it one for the headset and one for each sensor?