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Question for all you delidding folk

29 Mar 2013
South Shields
Hello guys, not sure if this is the right section to ask this question as its cooling/cpu related.

My 3570k is delidded with a EK supremacy and naked mount kit with liquid metal ultra TIM. I have it running at 4.7 with just enough voltage to keep it running smoothly. It idles around 36 and tops out at around 85 using torture tests. But my question is regarding the way it gets to that temperature. the temperature is very... spikey, so the second it gets a bit load the temp rockets up to that temp or there or there about. My GPU on the other hand which is on the same loop creeps up very slowly under heavy overclocked load which is what I expected the CPU to do.

Is this normal or do I have a heat transfer issue? The PWM is always bouncing around due to the high temperature change in such a small time.

I know the easy answer is upgrade the CPU but it does everything I need it to do at present, id just like to see if I can make the temps any better whilst retaining the overclock. I will post a graph screen shot later when I get home if need be.

Thanks for looking
Temp spiking on a cpu is normal , vs a gpu the die area is tiny and as such has a very small area to dissipate heat.

Secondly, torture tests are a very bad way of measuring load temps , measure load temps by running programs you actually use day to day.

Personally i dont like naked mounts, its a lot of pressure to put directly on such a fragile die and i got better temps from using Lmu and the heat spreader.

What voltages are you running , how many ram sticks ?
My 3570k does that, on intel burn test it will sit be spiking from 70 to 90 during the test and then instant you turn it off 30's .

Mine still has the lid on though.

Your temps sound normal for a 4.7 3570k I dont think you will get better, when I'm running mine at 4.7 I hit 94c in intel burn test and it's ran like this since release.
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Delidded with water cooling? I tried naked mounting but i actually went back to using the IHS, the extra pressure gave me better temps. 85 seems really high if your using water cooling+liquid pro, I used to run my 3570k at 1.39v and got much lower temps.
Same as BluD, I stuck the lid back on my 4670k because the temps without it using the naked Ivy kit were much worse than with it. I have CLU between the die and IHS which I stuck back on with gasket sealer after lapping it because it was very concave.
Ohh ok that puts my mind at rest a little. Mines at 1.39v the same as yous but does have my 780ti on the same loop which TDP is at around 450w so can get toasty but still stable.

I only use the burn in test for stability but also monitor temps whilst it's running for obvious reasons lol (tssssss...bang!)

Originally I delidded, changed the TIM to Liquid Metal Ultra and then refitted the IHS, and ran like that for years but then decided to try drop temps by properly delidding

I run 4 sticks of ram btw and thanks very much for your input :)
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36c seems high for idle temps especially if it's watercooled.

Stick the IHS back on and I guess you could lap it also to ensure perfect contact with your cooler
cheers guys, I thought by using the water block as the heat spreader instead of using the integrated heat spreader as a buffer it would have dropped the temps. For the time being I have reverted to stock and going to start tweak testing again tonight as I think I have some settings wrong giving me the higher temps. If I still get no further I will put the IHS back on at the weekend.
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