Question for any iOS devs out there. Is 3GS support needed?

1 Aug 2003
I'm thinking of creating a small game for iOS but don't want to shell out the $100 yet till I've found out the answer to this question.

Can you develop a game solely for iphone 4 and above? Or do Apple force you to make sure it runs on older, lower resolution, versions? Thereby greating 2 sets of graphics and different resolutions.

Any help greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the reply durbs.

The GUI is what has me worried. It would require new assets and also completely new layout positions for all the elements - a total nightmare for the programmer.

So are you saying that Apple would 'require' the game to run on a 3gs to pass certification?

Tbh I wouldn't be too bothered about the % of 3gs owners. The game is pretty core'ish and I've read stats that show 4 and 4S owners as being the major drivers.
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