Question for Patriot Memory Owners

22 Oct 2012
Do your DIMMs have identical numbers on them, or different ones? I'm specifically asking about the circled numbers:


I ask because I've got two pairs of memory (one of which has a faulty DIMM) one says 05199 and the other 05198; I'm no longer 100% sure which ones are paired.
They should have same number for each dual kit the number you circled. Both sticks same number and the number on the side should also match, in your case 11BF1 should be on both sticks too, if not it means the pack was opened and sticks mixed with another kit and not new.

Picture here of ones I have as an example , these are 32GB kit 3600mhz. As you see the numbers should match on bottom and side of the label. Side number are for the kit and should always be the same if not means they are not new and mixed kits.

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